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Low neopoints or you just have to have an item? Our Neopian desires are natural ones and there are going to be many times when you just have to have that special item. Be it a rose for a special occasion or that favorite plushie you want for your gallery. No problem, the Elements of the Zodiac hears all wishes and they see all dreams.

If you have not guessed yet, this is the Zodiac Elements Wishing List, where dreams become a reality and wishes are always welcome. This is the place to go for your wishful thinking and hopeful dreams. Try your luck and maybe the Zodiac Elements will make your dreams and desires come true.

How it works is you sign the Wish List with something you want but keep in mind that the Elements will be more likely to grant your hopeful dream or wish if it's resonable. Remember that the Zodiac Elements can move mountains sometimes, but Neopoints have special glue that makes them harder to move. This isn't a for sure thing, sometimes the Zodiac Elements just float around in a circle because of the pull of the moon and it is these times that wishes aren't fulfilled. Don't fear however, the moon only does this every so often. Just keep in mind again not all wishes, desires and dreams can be granted.

Of course there are standards the Zodiac Elements live by and you should too! These are:

  • You must post your neopets.com USERNAME in the name space. The Elements are good but just not that good and they really want to make your wish come true.
  • Remember again that the Elements don't live in Neopia so they have to travel around getting their resources together to make that smile on your face. So please keep wishes under 15,000NP. Get the Zodiac Elements upset and they won't make any dreams or wishes come true.
  • Finally, you must be a member of the Guild of Zodiac Elements and in good standing, newbies are allowed after one (1) week. There is nothing the Elements dislike more than members always having their hands out or not doing any work.
  • Any wishes or dreams that do not follow those 3 simple requests will be removed from the wish list. We wouldn't want to upset or waste the Zodiac Elements' time and energy because someone didn't follow their request.

    If you want to assist the Zodiac Elements make their follower's dreams and wishes come true, they would gladly accept your donations. All you need to do is view the wish list and if you see an item you can help them out with, let their local service representative ?????? know by neomailing her with the username and the information along with giving the item to her. She will let the Elements know of your gracious assistance because local wish list assistants make the Zodiac Elements' lives less stressful and allows them the ability to put more smiles on Guild Member's faces. Do not send the item directly to the recepient because that is ???? resposibility and she is the only one who can delete the Wish List entry.

    So if you are ready, just click the portal below and be swepted away to the Zodiac Elements Wish List where you can wish and dream or make someone else's dream come true.

    After you have done that, you wait. The wish may be fulfilled or it may not. For those that want to assist the busy Elements by donating neopoints, visit ????? page and make the donations through the shop or her trading post because the Zodiac Elements have seen her through her college education, where she learned how to run a successful business. The bottom line is, make donations through trades, shop purchases or direct neomail, her store is priced for guild member donations. You might want to keep an ear open about Mennadraoi because it is rumored that she also studied teaching and instruction while in school.

    Zodiac Elements Wish List

    May your wish be granted today!


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